On this Theology of the Body our beloved holiness St. John Paul II cited the importance of the unified corporeal (Bodily) and the Spiritual qualities of the Human person its origin, history and destiny of Humanity. It pinpoint out the deepest desires of every hearts and its way to experience a true happiness, freedom and the truth that means need a desire to experience with God as his creator. Man who is created by the God image of God and to understand its sexuality as God's original plan for the Humanity. It focuses about morality and the importance of Human Body as substance which make thing visible as what invisible, it was created to transfer into visible reality of the world. This Theology consist of Five Cycle, the first cycle entitled "The Word of Christ" it centered on the beginning of the creation it called "Original man". Second cycle it addressed human life after original sin unredeemed and redeemed it called "Historical man". Third Cycle it treats about the reality of our life at the end time when Christ comes back again and History reaches at fulfillment called "Eschatological man". At Fourth Cycle St. John Paul II placed his reflection on "Virginity" as preservation for the Kingdom of God. The Last and Fith Cycle is illustration of a human life just like a "Cycle of Life". Aside from the five cycles St. John Paul II presented a series of topics which corresponds from the five cycles. These topics are Marriage, Adultery, Resurrection of the Body. Celibacy and Virginity, Sacrament of Marriage and Contraception. The first topic presented is the Christian Idea of marriage, which it discuss the Christ answers to the Pharisees when they ask him about whether a man can divorce his wife. Based on Mt. 19:18 it not so cause Man and Women both meant to intermarriage for God's ultimate plan for humanity. Second is Adultery His Holiness explained this a looking at another person to desire them in reductive way that is they views as merely an object of humanly desire, context to Mt 5:27-28. Third is the Resurrection of Body which it analyzes Christ's answer to a Sadducee question about a woman who had to marries seven brothers. Fourth is Celibacy and Virginity which is preservation for the Kingdom of God it refers to 1 Corinth 7:32-37 and Rev 14:4. Fifth is the Sacrament of Marriage as a sacrament for the preservation for the Humanity. Last is Contraception which is a reflection on the Encyclical litter of Venerable Paul VI, "Humane Vitae" it emphasize on the design of the human body as revealing God's truths. It is explained and reaffirmed the fundamental structure of males and females which cause sexual intercourse, between them to result in both intimacy and the capability of generates new life. As contraception is against the Natural production of living as it cause downfall to humanity.
St. John Paul II, Pray for us
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