Evil might absence of God
Evil is the major problem with belief in a God, it objects the notion of theism that God who is omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent. If God has these three attributes that describes God. It is pretty ironic why the world has much suffering some of it on an overwhelming scale; examples are crimes, wars and famines among these shows that Evil is the absence of God. First we must define what is Evil, Evil is absence of goodness, an ignorance and absence of Love. But it has to do as absence of God?? Since we theist describe God as Love, it happened that Evil is absence of Love. St. Augustine explained that “the God made a perfect world, but that human turned away from God of their own freewill, and that is how evil came into the world.” St Augustine also added: “Since God is the highest good. He would not allow any evil to exist in his works, unless His omnipotence and goodness where such as to bring good even out of evil.” God does not create evil but he just simply allow evil to exist in order to test the obedience or dominions to Him, God respects his gift to us because of His love to His creations and that is “freewill”. Because of freewill it us humans who will choose between the Rightness and Wrongness, because of deception of the Devil we often choose the wrongness since then from Adam we’re fall because of wrong choice. Man sinned against God caused Man to be Imperfect it is a factor that we been distance from God since Sin is a thing that separate us from God, but we always seek to him. Because of the Imperfectness of Humans, we have lack of knowledge about things with true significance. We always question that “Why God created volcanoes that can cause death and destruction?It may appear to us as to be tragedy may have effects that bring about great good and appear to us as good thing, even do proved to be harmful. Here is a simple analogy that I've learned: “He knows the needle hurts, and he can’t understand why his own parents are allowing the doctor to cause him pain, that the inoculations help prevent the much greater suffering of disease. He’s unable to perceive the greater good." Same goes with the volcano, when it erupt it cause lots of destruction but in a long run it provides landmasses and surrounding landscape with nutrient enriched fertile soils. God is All knowledge may have good reasons for things,even pain and suffering, that we unaware of. And so he allows evil to exist because of his infinite knowledge. God never leave nor want his people to suffer it is a matter of faith and hope, like Job been describe as the “most miserable man ever lived” he been suffered much most of his life but, granted by the Grace of God because of his patience, virtue and faith. “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him” - Romans 8:28 -
Evil is the major problem with belief in a God, it objects the notion of theism that God who is omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent. If God has these three attributes that describes God. It is pretty ironic why the world has much suffering some of it on an overwhelming scale; examples are crimes, wars and famines among these shows that Evil is the absence of God. First we must define what is Evil, Evil is absence of goodness, an ignorance and absence of Love. But it has to do as absence of God?? Since we theist describe God as Love, it happened that Evil is absence of Love. St. Augustine explained that “the God made a perfect world, but that human turned away from God of their own freewill, and that is how evil came into the world.” St Augustine also added: “Since God is the highest good. He would not allow any evil to exist in his works, unless His omnipotence and goodness where such as to bring good even out of evil.” God does not create evil but he just simply allow evil to exist in order to test the obedience or dominions to Him, God respects his gift to us because of His love to His creations and that is “freewill”. Because of freewill it us humans who will choose between the Rightness and Wrongness, because of deception of the Devil we often choose the wrongness since then from Adam we’re fall because of wrong choice. Man sinned against God caused Man to be Imperfect it is a factor that we been distance from God since Sin is a thing that separate us from God, but we always seek to him. Because of the Imperfectness of Humans, we have lack of knowledge about things with true significance. We always question that “Why God created volcanoes that can cause death and destruction?It may appear to us as to be tragedy may have effects that bring about great good and appear to us as good thing, even do proved to be harmful. Here is a simple analogy that I've learned: “He knows the needle hurts, and he can’t understand why his own parents are allowing the doctor to cause him pain, that the inoculations help prevent the much greater suffering of disease. He’s unable to perceive the greater good." Same goes with the volcano, when it erupt it cause lots of destruction but in a long run it provides landmasses and surrounding landscape with nutrient enriched fertile soils. God is All knowledge may have good reasons for things,even pain and suffering, that we unaware of. And so he allows evil to exist because of his infinite knowledge. God never leave nor want his people to suffer it is a matter of faith and hope, like Job been describe as the “most miserable man ever lived” he been suffered much most of his life but, granted by the Grace of God because of his patience, virtue and faith. “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him” - Romans 8:28 -
As we can see how his power and knowledge can bring good out of evil in way that we with our limits aren't able to comprehend. It is a matter of Faith.
Here is another answer from a Catholic Apologist Matt Fradd of Catholic Answer.
Evil, An Argument for God
“In fact, rather than disproving God’s existence, the reality of evil actually points to it, in an indirect way. If evil exists, then it follows that morality exists. If morality exists, then it follows that God exists.
Moral laws point to a moral law-giver. It’s only within a moral framework that the sufferings of this life can have any meaning. It may be a mystery why an all-good God allows suffering and evil to take place, but at least on this view there is meaning and purpose, and God can ultimately bring about justice and draw good out of the sufferings of this life.”
"Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head, and he fell to the ground and worshiped. He said,
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
And naked I shall return there.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God." - Job 1:20-22 -
We must take Job as a example that evil can be conquered if we believe that God can bring good out of evil.
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