Last April 8 2014 the Supreme Court of the Philippines declared
the Reproductive Health law (RH Law) as Constitutional but yet except on Sec. 7
and 23 which is declared unconstitutional. Well the fact is it‘s a win-win
situation after all. The RH Law is a toothless law as the experts said.
Here is a Pastor from Protestantism (Born Again) who claimed
to be a Moral pursuer yet his advocacy is contrary to his Liberal moral stand,
and claiming that the RH Law (Advocate of Culture of Death) is Constitutional, biblical
and practical. Well let see if he got it correctly on his Liberal moral stand.
By the way “Roman Apologist” refers to us Catholic Apologist and he always declare
himself as Christian apologist since he claimed that he holds some orthodox
doctrine of Christianity, even if not name it “Sola Scriptura etc.” which is a man
made doctrine.
He said that the RH Law is Constitutional, yes I won’t argue
it since the Law been declared by Supreme Court and I respect that as what the
Bishops of Philippines said. But it doesn’t make any sense at all since the SC
removed some of its provisions it’s more likely a toothless law.
He said
the RH Law is Biblical, “Chapter in verse please” as far as I know life comes
from conception and life has capacity to move, reproduce and metabolized. It is
the cells have capacity to this and that so therefore there is life in it. As if there is Life then it must be respected
since its beginning it involves the “creative action of God”. Contraception and
Abortion is against to the “creative action of God.” Even it is just a cell God
design it as life.
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” – Jeremiah 1:5-
It is a dismay killing a life that God already design and destined to be his Prophet. Now is that what he called biblical? I don’t think so. What if his parents used contraception and aborted him? Can he preach now as a Pastor?
He said that it is practical, oh yes when Christ been tempt by Satan it so practical to think turning a stone into bread. But this Pastor doesn’t aware that Man cannot live in bread alone, he said it because life these days circulates into Money and yes even spirituality and morality is now practical as well and doesn’t make any sense at all. Turning stone into bread is very practical indeed that Man can disregard the value of compassion and patience as a Christian virtue. Temptation of Satan is indeed practical that every mankind falls to it, so on the RH Law it is practical to subdue life and suppress the population for the good of economy. But the truth is only the private firms can benefit this law and not the poor, what they need is food and jobs not contraception it does make no sense until they realized they can’t eat the rubber condom on their plates, yes that’s it turning stone into bread.
‘One does not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” – Matthew 4:3-4-
This Pastor claim that he preach the word of God but he practice contrary to what he preach very hypocrite, Im not attacking this person personally but Im just pertaining his Liberal Idea which is very dangerous to Christian values more secularize and cowardly stand.
Im saying this as a Conservative Catholic and my Moral view as Pro-Life on this issue, that no True Christian offers a Culture of Death and disregarding the importance of life as “creative action of God”, which is contrary to his belief simply hypocrisy.
"You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: “‘this people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’” – Matthew 15:7-9-
“All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.”
–Ven. Pope Paul VI-
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