In the scientific sense and according to Big Bang "Universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today. A common analogy explains that space itself is expanding, carrying galaxies with it, like spots on an inflating balloon. The graphic scheme above is an artist's concept illustrating the expansion of a portion of a flat universe".
So this so called "extremely dense and hot state" where did it come from??
The origin of this state is comes from "NOTHING" space before the Universe exist.. How could it be that these "extremely dense and hot state" from a Nothing yet it exist by the bursting light explosion of atoms. Since Nothing is nothing and can’t create a thing.
It is already stated: "That the Universe began from a singular state of "INFINITE" density." [Gorier Encyclopedia of Knowledge 1998 ]
So what is this Infinite Density??
Does the Infinite presence of God involved in the Creation of Universe??
Genesis 1:1-3 (Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition)
“In the beginning God created heaven and earth. 2 And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters. 3 And God said: Be light made. And light was made.”
In the Genesis the things stated from Nothing, Empty space, Dark and Void. Until God commanded the Light will be made. Paradox to the Big Bang "extremely dense and hot state" and Infinite Density, from Nothing the light matters of atomic energy pooped up in the Nothing mass and it created the Universe. Even science cannot tell the fact that this "extremely dense and hot state" is existed without concrete scientific explanation. So they conclude that this "extremely dense and hot state" or a Light atomic energy that pooped up is come from "singular state of Infinite Density".
Is this because GOD is the infinite being who created the Universe?Yet science finds a hard time to understand this?
It is simple that because of the Infinite being all are created orderly and exist in their own existence.
It is impossible that the Universe is created without the Infinite presence of God. Whatever begins to exist has a cause, The Universe began to exist and therefore, the Universe had a cause it is simple as that. I remember on a Theist-Atheist debate according to Richard Dawkins a Militant Atheist against Cardinal Pell. Dawkins stated that “out of nothing the Universe can be created.” Until Cardinal Pell replies “It is funny to define Nothing” it is very senseless to Dawkins that a Nothing can create a being or material. Whereas every beginner there is causality it is impossible to a statue that to be emerged without the Sculpture, same as Fire without energy as well as Light and oxygen, who come the Universe is emerge from Nothing then who lit the Light?? It is Nothing who lit the Light. Well it is the Dawkins' problem now.
Definition of Nothing
Noth-ing n. Not any thing: Part of portion. (cf Webster’s dictionary)
say it Dawkins??
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