" "but in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence; and keep your conscience clear, so that, when you are abused, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame." -1 Peter 3:15-

Friday, October 31, 2014

It's Saints day

November 1 is the celebration for the Holy People who are the members of "Church Triumphant" (Ecclesia Triumphans).

But it is kinda ironic that these "Modern people" today celebrates their own version of All Saints day. I call it "All Sins day" instead of depicting "Holy People" and "saintify" themselves they glorifying Satan and its cohorts, Demons and other malignant dark forces by dressing like them. But if you ask these people why they are wearing those stuff. They will answer "Oh its Halloween". Clearly this people misunderstood the true meaning of "Halloween".

Halloween comes from Old Scottish "All Hallows' Eve" and Old English "all saints mass-day" so make sense that the "Halloween" is a celebration intended for the "Saints" not for Satan and his cohorts.

This is the proper way to celebrate "All Saints day" 

Not this one.

We must celebrate with the Holy People of God in the Heaven because this day is intended for them. A celebration for which we must honor their Saintly lives that give inspirations to our Faith.

"Rejoice over her, heaven, you holy ones, apostles and prophets. For God has judge your case against her." -Revelation 18:20-

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

78 Questions for Christians: Answers

 This are just my answers or response to Hemant Mehta a Atheist. In a friendly manner I will try answer his questions from this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI-_FJuTPns

Is Anne Frank burning in hell? How about Mahatma Gandhi? Is Fred Phelps in Heaven since he believed in the divinity of Jesus? 

Fist of all if the hell is far concerned, it is the will of individuals who want to go down there. I cant tell if Anne Frank or Gandhi are in hell but it is up to the judgement of God who is All Knowing being, the One who knows every heart of individuals. I will not say if they will go to hell because Anne is Jew and Gandhi is Hindu, again it is up to judgement of God who knows every heart of individuals. Fred Phelps I cant say also, believing alone does not even count but works also, such as the charity to individuals the neighbors. It is a participation between God and Man, take note that not all who believe on Christ will be saved even (Matthew 7:21).

Should a killer who genuinely repents at the end of his life go to Heaven?

If "genuine repentance" is concerned, yup there might be a chance of salvation. But as Catholic, in my own Catholic perspective the Killer or a Murderer might be admitted to Purgatory for purification of his remaining sins, but he might not admitted directly to heaven.

Should a kind-hearted atheist go to Hell for all eternity?

Unless if he will blaspheme well sure that would be his ticket to Hell. But if this Atheist might be ignorant (invincible) well I'll leave the Judgement to God itself. Deeds counts anyway.

Do kind-hearted religious people who just aren't Christian also deserve to burn?

This is a silly question anyway. But I do not see any reason of these "kind-hearted" people deserves a place on Hell. I believe that deed counts and if you familiar on the "Good Samaritan", Christ used a Samaritan not even a Jew as a example of his parable concerning the "Charity". 

Would you be happy in heaven if someone you loved was in Hell?

In Heaven there is a Eternal life and Great joy but if someone whose in Heaven are not anymore bound in a "Human Intimacy".. For example if there are a couple whose both at Heaven, so while at heaven both of them aren't a couple anymore, because both of them are not bound by "Humanly Intimacy" they are spirits, all they fill is "Great Joy" that bound them in unity with God.

If your child were dying, and I hope that never happens, would just pray for them or would you take them to a doctor? And if you'd do both, which one do you think has more of an impact?

That question might be situational, but I do not see any of these  two are useless in this situation, there is nothing wrong on resorting to Divine Intervention. What is really wrong is Man agonize in this situation because they often go down to Despair. Despair is just a load of sack that add on to Man's carried burdens.

Whose prayers does God answer? And if it's ultimately His Will, why bother praying?

I like to quote a statement from St. Augustine: "We need not pray for what we need because God already knows what we need before we even ask. Instead, we ought to pray, he suggests, to increase our desire for God, and so that we might be able to receive what He is preparing to give us."

We pray because we want to tell God that we deserve and to give thanks on what He give to us.

If you have cancer, what would help you more: Certain drugs, or prayer? 

Both. Prayer for my Spiritual healing and boosting my morale, aside from that there is a Latin Phrase "Deus creavit medicamen" or “God has created drugs”. So why I disregard Drugs whereas it created with purpose?? Man is responsible for his own Health, so I prefer both and there is nothing wrong on those two.

If you had an amputated limb, would prayer ever bring it back? 

This is a fallacy. Man aren't created as Reptilian beings. But I still pray for my spiritual recovery, you know some of Amputees are feel depressed as they lost their limb. But I do not pray for a "instant" recovery on that. But if you really bother so. Do you hear about Sts. Cosmas and Damian??


If you have an exam coming up, what would contribute more to a higher score: Prayer or more studying? 

Both. And there is nothing wrong on that. Me when I study I pray so God will give me enthusiasm and enlightenment that may I understand the lessons that I studied. I even ask intersessions to the Saints especially St. Thomas Aquinas to assist me. Here is a quote again from St. Augustine: "Pray as though everything depends on God. And work as if everything depends on you.".

If you prayed for me over YouTube right now, do you think I would know it?

Fallacy. No you are Man and you are not Omniscient being.

What matters to God more: The quantity of people praying or the quality of their prayers? If quantity matters, shouldn't the most popular team always win the Super Bowl? If quality matters, why do people you love sometimes die no matter what you do? 

It is not by quantity or by quality it is by purpose of the intentions that you've prayed.  

Is it possible that your prayers have no supernatural effect and only serve to make you feel better?

It has a effects on me.

Would you ever admit it if that were true?

Unless if that is true.

Is there anything in your life that makes you doubt God's existence? 

There are often times, when Im confused. But both Faith and Reason answered it all.

How would your life change if you had serious doubts about God's existence?

I've been Agnostic for years. Yes back those time all in my life are confuse and always seeking for the Truth. But now I have found it.  

Was Jesus white?

He was born and live as a Jew. So I believe that he is white.

Why does God seem more likely to answer the prayers of a talented athlete than a starving child overseas?

My answer is. He answer all prayers unless if it is not a vain prayer.

Why does God Seem to hate Africa?

No He doesn't, it happens that Africa suffers because of the Evils cause by the exploitation of greedy Politics and foolishness of humanity. God is doing his Particular Judgement on the Evils until the Judgement Day, where all will be settled. 

If a group of Africans swooped in to your community with the intention of converting you and your neighbors to their tribal faith, what would your reaction be?

My reaction will be. I will tell them also about God, Trinity, Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.

Does God speak to you? 

Yes in other way.

If God spoke to you and told you to kill someone, would you do it?

A test of Faith? Well Abraham even tested to sacrifice his son, Abraham did
 and he is stopped by the angel that been sent by God. If that happens to me I will surely do. But I believe that God will never tell me to do that even. 

Is God always watching you? How about when you're on the toilet?

What a waste to answer this. Ofcourse yes he is Omnipresent, nothing wrong on that. In fact I even prayed inside the toilet.

How do you respond when someone who's not a Christian tells you about their religious faith? Do you listen and consider what they have to say or do you just ignore them because they don't believe what you believe?

Im not quite harsh on this approach. I even engaged in a Inter-Faith dialogue.

What do you make of Muslims who think the Koran is the true holy book? Are they wrong? Have you read the Koran? Why do you dismiss them so easily?

As Muslims are concern I accept the fact that their Koran is their holy book. But I wont believe that their Koran is true. Because the Koran is been copied from other Gnostic texts that contains a contradictory accounts from Christianity. If this is the case there are many fabricated Gnostic texts been came out after the death of Christ, and these Gnostic texts are obsolete to believe in. But I do not dismiss them, still I believe that we worshiped same Monotheistic God but it happens that they worshiped it in incorrect way.

Is homosexuality itself a sin?

I answered it in my article before. Related on this question

Should gays and lesbians have the right to get married?

Answered on my written article before.

Why would God make people gay and then punish them for being gay?

Answered on my written article before.

If God's already sending gay people to hell, why do you feel the need to persecute them here on Earth?

Answered on my written article before.

Why does God playing hide and seek with all of humanity? 

No He doesn't. It is just Human separate apart from God because of the imperfection of sins.  

Do you believe Jesus is coming back to Earth during your lifetime? 

I believe that He will come again, but I do not know when only God knows.

If you do, what do you say to the many generations of people who have been saying that for centuries?

I will only say that He will come again.

Why is the story of Jesus' birth and life so similar to that of mythological beings well before his time? (http://listverse.com/2009/04/13/10-ch...)

Similar but not alike, sorry if you've been fooled by a zeitgeist.

Is it possible that religion may have less to do with what's true and more to do with the circumstances of where you were born?

Fallacy. It is by Religion that Man knows some of the Truths such as his Moral boundaries. As what St. Thomas Aquinas said: "Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do."