What is the point of this article? It is just a plain reflection to our Life that we often times travel to a place where "unknown" to us. Where in the paths along to the unknown places of our life, there are Dragons who waiting for hostility as we are headed on the path. These Dragons are Pride, Jealousy, Hatred, Guilt and Greed, who been guarding in a place of unknown.The unknown place are unknown territories where the Dragons are guarding in fact these are territories of hatred, guilt and ect. denoting in maps a place where there is danger. In our Life these unknown places that we been travel passed by are places where often struggle in our every difficulties in our life. It can be also our limitations of our self, indeed these unknown places in our life cant be avoided but in fact we need to be strong to pass by these places unknown to our self, to challenge our will on what difficulties await ahead. In order to know ourselves we need to pass or perhaps travel to these place to face what type of Dragon that we struggling of, these Dragons are manifested as our weakness and as we Human no body are exempted to that.
What should we do, to be successfully pass/ed these unknown territories of Dragons? First we must know our self first, it is our own ego that we carried often like a sacked of rocks, that it make us difficult to step towards the truth. We must know our self and accept it without any means of "Pride", we must follow our right conscience by examine it. Until we realized that we were commit mistakes and wrong decisions in our life, the the Acceptance and the Forgiveness will follow. Through that we achieve a reconciliation to God, by means of Humility and Repentance. By these we're setting our self free to the Truth of our life and the place will not "unknown" anymore since we already recognize ourselves and its weaknesses by that, that path is now cleared, the path towards holiness of life.
We called by our Lord to be Holy, that is why we always choose a right path to travel but because of wrong choices we being goes into a detour of confusions and doubts that often times lead into a path that goes into "unknown territories" where "Dragons" are there. In everyday life we struggle always toward the Holiness, to assure we must follow "The Way" our Lord ( John 14: 6) and by that it set as free (John 8:32). The Saints are people who been traveled al way long of their life, they perhaps passed by the "unknown places" and encountered Dragons. But at the end they succeed because they indeed followed "The Way" the commandment and teaching of Christ.
I will say Bon Voyage to our everyday life travels.
Map shown full of Dragons
Promotional poster of the movie "There be Dragons" with a theme inspired on "Hic sunt dracones" and based in the real life of St. Josemaria Escriva. With a quote which really hit me through:
"When you forgive you set someone free.That is yourself."
"When you forgive you set someone free.That is yourself."